
Universally applicable acryl-hybride façade paint featuring an extremely high adhesive capacity on nearly all types of substrates. Due to the approved Guard technology the coating is protected against early algae and fungal attack.

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  • Resistant to early exposure to rain
  • Preventive concrete protection (impermeable to CO2), confirmed by test certificate
  • Classification OS 2 (OS B) according to DIN EN 1504-2 / DIN V 18026
  • Colour shade stability according to BFS Fact Sheet No. 26: class A
  • Applicable also on aged, elastic systems
  • Guard protection against algae and fungal infestation of the coating

Suitable substrates in detail

  • For nearly all types of substrate
  • Particularly suitable for intensive pigmentation
  • Applicable in system with Multi-Grund 3 in 1 on dry, not entirely cured mineral renders and concrete

Average consumption (short text)

approx. 120 - 180 ml/m2

Technical information
Safety data sheet
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