Orbit®-Hausfarbe LEF

Solvent and plasticizer-free pure acrylate paint for thin-film coats in exteriors and interiors for universal use.

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  • Preventive concrete protection (impermeable to CO2)
  • Self-cleaning effect due to photocatalysis
  • Without biocides, solvents and plasticizers
  • High resistance against writing effect (stress whitening)
  • Colour resistance according to BFS-Fact Sheet No. 26: Class A
  • Wet scrub resistance class 1
  • Extreme adhesion on nearly all kinds of substrates

Suitable substrates in detail

  • Existing sound and organic paint layers
  • Concrete surfaces

  • Glass fabrics
  • Stressed wall areas

Average consumption (short text)

approx. 120 - 180 ml/m2

Technical information
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